10 Tips for Growing Tasty Tomatoes

container gardening disease-resistance fertilizer tomatoes Mar 21, 2023

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables, actually it's a fruit, to eat and grow. Per pound, tomatoes can be somewhat costly to buy, so growing your own will definitely save you money and they often taste better too. By following some growing tips, you can grow great tomatoes.

1. Provide full sun

The plants need at least four to six hours of sun per day. Choose how and where you will grow your tomatoes based on your growing conditions and space. Tomatoes can be grown several different ways — in the ground or in a raised bed, in containers, in a hydroponic system, and even in hanging baskets.

2. Plant after last frost date

As a warm-season crop, tomatoes are sensitive to cold, so timing is important. The key is to plant them after the danger of frost has past. You can look up your last frost date for your area and make a goal to plant them at that time. Make sure you are prepared to cover them if there is a late frost.

3. Grow determinate tomatoes in containers

If you are planning on growing the plant in a container, you may want to grow a determinate variety, such as Patio, Floragold or Floradade. This type grows in a more compact, bush-like shape with just a single crop of tomatoes.

4. Support indeterminate varieties

There are many more indeterminate varieties out there. These have large, sprawling growth habit and require pruning (removing suckers) and support, such as a trellis, cage or staking. Indeterminate varieties produce fruit over several months, allowing you to pick them throughout the season.

5. Look for disease-resistant varieties

When it comes to selecting varieties, you may want to choose varieties resistant to common tomato diseases, such as verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and bacterial spot, and pests, such as nematodes. The label may show a two- or three-letter abbreviation to indicate resistance. Some recommended varieties include Better Boy, Celebrity, and Amelia, or heirloom varieties such as Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, and Mortgage Lifter.

6. Look for heat-tolerant varieties toward the summer

For growing tomatoes in the hotter months, pick a heat-tolerant cultivar like Heat Wave II, Solar Fire or Florida 91. Most cherry tomatoes can withstand the heat as well.

7. Plant as a transplant not seeds

Tomatoes need to be planted as transplants rather than directly seeded. When you plant your tomato, plant it as deep as you can to give it extra support. Roots will develop along the stem once you put it in the soil.

8. Provide the proper soil pH and fertilizer

Proper soil pH and regular fertilizing are important for tomato production. The best soil pH for tomatoes is between 6.2 and 6.5, so it is recommended to test your soil, especially if you are putting them in the ground. Tomatoes need calcium for proper fruit production or they can get blossom end rot. If your pH is below 6.0, you can add dolomitic limestone which will provide calcium and magnesium. If the pH is normal, you can apply gypsum.

A fertilizer should be broadcast before planting, about 4 tablespoons per plant, and then side dressed (around the drip line of the plant) every 2-3 weeks, about 2 tablespoons per plant. Fertilizers can be liquid or granular, preferably in controlled-release form to help protect the aquifer.

9. Water tomatoes evenly to prevent blossom end rot

Tomatoes need a lot of water and prefer even moisture to prevent problems such as blossom end rot, cracking and splitting. They typically need 1 inch of water per week when young and 2 inches as they mature. Self-watering containers really help keep the moisture even.

10. Scout for insects and diseases early and often

Scout your plants for insects and diseases early and often because infestations are better managed if they are small. Plant-sucking insects and caterpillars can be major problems. Insecticidal soap and Bt, such as Dipel, often have some success. Don't apply insecticidal soap during the heat of the day.

Harvest tomatoes when they are fully ripe for the best quality. I don't refrigerate mine in order to preserve the nutrients and flavor. You can pick green or pink fruit and ripen them on a counter as well.

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