Veggie Solutions Blog

Grow, Sow, and Conquer Garden Challenges!

8 Organic Pesticides for an Environmentally-Friendly Garden insecticidal soap organic pesticides Feb 15, 2023

Do you have pests and want to use an organic pesticide? As a gardener, it's important to keep pests and diseases under control to ensure a healthy and productive vegetable garden. While synthetic...

14 Easiest Vegetable Seeds to Start Indoors seed-starting seeds vegetables Feb 02, 2023

Starting a vegetable garden in the spring can be a rewarding and satisfying experience, but getting started can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to gardening. One of the best ways to get...

Protect Your Garden Using Disease-Resistant Seeds disease-resistance diseases nematodes seeds Jan 20, 2023

Have you had plant diseases in your vegetable garden in the past? One of the first steps in integrated pest management is to identify what is causing your plant problem. If you have identified it...

Starting Seeds vs Transplants in Your Vegetable Garden seeds transplants Jan 10, 2023

If you have a vegetable garden, you are probably already thinking about what warm-season crops will go into your spring garden. Spring is a great time for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squash and...

The Many Flavors of Basil basil downy mildew herbs Dec 30, 2022

When is the last time you added some spice to your life? Sweet and spicy, basil is often used to flavor Italian, Asian and other cuisines.  Basil comes in many varieties with unique flavors...

5 Quick Frost Fixes in the Garden frost Dec 23, 2022

Being in Florida, cold weather doesn’t come often for me, but when it does, I must think about if I need to protect my plants, especially my recently planted vegetable garden. Many plants...

Stinkhorn Mushrooms: Smelling Up your Garden fungi mushrooms stinkhorn Dec 16, 2022

Do you have a repugnant smell in your garden? Check around and see if you find something even stranger growing near that smell. They could be stinkhorn mushrooms. Learn more about that stinky fungi...

A Guide to Pruning your Fruit Trees apple peach plum pruning Dec 08, 2022

Fruit trees are extremely popular in edible gardening, but most people don't realize the amount of care they need. They often need to be fertilized and watered regularly, managed for pests and...

5 Ways to Prevent Pests in the Garden hornworm prevent pests pupa Nov 28, 2022

Have you ever thought if you could just keep the pests and diseases out of the garden in the first place then your crops would grow great? Although we can’t always keep out the pests unless...

Conquer Root-Knot Nematodes in Your Vegetable Garden! nematodes root-knot nematodes soil solarization Nov 21, 2022

Have you ever pulled up a plant and discovered knotted roots? If you did, you may have had root-knot nematodes. I was visiting my friend’s vegetable garden and she had noticed that her beans...

Perennials Sleep, Creep, then Leap perennials planting Nov 08, 2022

Have you planted perennial plants or shrubs and thought you were doing something wrong since they weren’t growing? Maybe you added more plants the second year since you wanted to fill in the...

Can I plant my mums after they finish flowering? chrysanthemums mums planting Oct 26, 2022

Like many of you, I couldn’t resist purchasing a couple of mums for the fall to bring some color to my house. I made sure that I bought a chrysanthemum with the buds closed with healthy...